Saturday, 22 August 2009

Running winner Eddie Izzard completes 21st marathon

Running man Eddie Izzard has completed his 21st marathon so far, as part of his 1,100 miles around Britain for Comic Relief.
The cross dressing comedian interchanged his glittering heels and miniskirt for more sombre waterproof wear on the 28th July, and hasn’t arrested running since.
Eddie set off from London after only four weeks' worth of training and has at present approved injuries, including to his hamstring and shins.
His journey will connect the equivalent of running a marathon every day as he afforts to do the journey in seven weeks, running 30 miles a day for six days a week.
The loyar funnyman has been carrying the flag of each country as he pounds their asphalt.
Eddie announce the flag-holding to be symbolic of his beliefs: “We are changed, we are the same, we are the United Kingdom, we are Africa, we are mankind.”
An ice cream van attach Izzard and gives out ice creams in the hope that people will make allowance in return.
Izzard’s entourage is more Countryfile than high profile, consisting of two tents, a camper van and a sports therapist to help comfort his aches and pains.
The 47 year old has been Tweeting about his epic journey, which he has been softly planning for 10 years: he has also been livening up his messages with local photographs.
With 13 marathons still to go Izzard, who has just got to Stranraer, Scotland, said: “I feel knackeredly knackered. Eating a lot of pap in the morning and pasta at night, trying to put fuel back in. I must keep going.”

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